Number 10: Keep those PC/Laptop minimum requirements on-check
Nope, we're not joking, and yes, don't think that your potato PC or laptop could handle this game. even with a 1080 Graphic Cards and 16 GB RAM plus an SSD this game still needs a lot of resource to be running in more than 60++ FPS. Besides, this game also in the Steam Early Access period and still needs a lot of optimization here and there.
And If you are so eager and desperate to win, or maybe just trying to enjoy what kind of this game all about, you should consider upgrading your hardware. We know right, its not that easy to threw money or effort only for one game. But hey, consider it as your long terms investment, or satisfy your EGO for once a time!
Besides, FYI, as far as we see on their Official Forum or Steam discussion, there's already lots - and by our means "LOTS" (if you need some confidence to upgrade your potato, we CAPS it for you) of freakin people that spend their money only to try to balance their PC to play this phenomenal game.
So stop being a wussy and get those potato upgraded!
Number 9: Get yourself ready and prepared - Top 10 How to Win PUBG MATCH
Now on this one, when on your airdrop the first thing you need is, set your dropzone location right. The reason behind this is, to make yourself comfortable and know where to loot. ALSO when on landing, try to get those weapon FAST and be ready for incoming hostile.Thats why in this matter, you or your team drop zone location and fast pace also play a crucial part in your surviving effort. Try to ask yourself which type of gameplay that you prefer? Like to drop on big cities with a bigger chance loot or somehere far from the crowded area? Everything is fair dude.
Number 8: Get it all fair and square - Top 10 How to Win PUBG MATCH
When you on a duo or team play, one of the biggest advance is not only who is the better player. But how you and your team managed your supplies and guns, which means TEAMWORK. What does this means? It means you have to be very fair with you friend, you have to give someone in your team another surplus of gun or medkit that you found. Extra attachment for your friend will give more advantage for them to help you our in a gun fights. So thats why, sharing your extras is one of the thing that we recommend you guys to do so.
Number 7: Timing! - Top 10 How to Win PUBG MATCH
After you guys are ready for fight, look for a blue circle and a white one. That's a zone that you must on any moment keep on-check every time. You have to aware that staying on this zones is a must! especially if you can always maintain to be inside the white circle everytime, you will get a lot of chance to actually wait for ambushing enemy team and managed to get yourself win a match!
Always try to be inside the safe zone inside the circles!
Number 6: Always keep your eye cunning and ready! - Top 10 How to Win PUBG MATCH
Number 5: Shoot or Run? - Top 10 How to Win PUBG MATCH
This is debateful, but for us, this decision also can maximize your chance to winning a PUBG Match. It's not always a must if you spotted an enemy and you have to shoot at it fast. Firing a gun make a loud noise and your position can be easily compromised.
If someone near your area heard that gunshot, we guarantee another enemy will try to track you down. And it's not sinful to leave the fight to survive another day. It's not about the kills, but its about WINNING. therefore retreating from a gunshot fight sometimes is a better option then to collide with everyone.
Number 4: How about getting a Vehicle? - Top 10 How to Win PUBG MATCH
If you are far out from the safe zone, we do suggest you get some vehicles to catch up to the marked safe zones. This way, you will have much time to do some looting and get ahead from enemies around you. But remember, vehicles sound also attracting another player to know your location and probably killed you!
Number 3: Don't get greedy!! - Top 10 How to Win PUBG MATCH
Seriously guys, we know your fallen enemy loot attracted you to get a hand on it. WAIT. Don't loot it as soon as it falls. There is enemies that probably hears your gunfights before or theres still their teammate lurking to aim your head. Try to keep area around you as safe as possible first then enjoy your trophy.
A lot of PUBG Players always try to loot after the enemy fall. This is not wise from this kind of gameplay. But it's up to you, if you had a super flexible reflexes that can dodge any incoming bullets while looting :p
Number 2: Be calm and control yourself - Top 10 How to Win PUBG MATCH
As the game progressing, you get your kills and managed to be on the top 10 Surviving Player, you NEED TO STAY CALM AND CONTROL YOURSELF. Don't be a wuss, don't panic and try to keep yourself safe first from the enemies. Plan every strategies that might helping you to control the situation.
Many PUBG Players are not realizing their fear and panic. In which they fall because they are to panic and not prepared for any incoming hostile. Therefore CONTROL YOURSELF!
Number 1: PRAY - Top 10 How to Win PUBG MATCH
Simplest thing but its work! P R A Y !
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